How To Deal With Creditors on Past Due Accounts?

by Chauncy Williams

Facing Job loss three years ago. I was out of work for sixth months and my bills were passed due. I had to figure out how to get my finances back on track fast. These steps helped me get my financial life back to normal.

If you have past due accounts, you may be able to take care of the debts and start repairing your credit. Here are two requests you can make to a creditor.

  1. Make a Payment if Negative Information is removed- Ask that an unpaid debt and negative information in your credit file associated with the debt removed from your credit file in exchange for full or partial-payment.
  2. Account Re-Aged – If the creditor puts you on a new schedule for repaying the debt, ask the creditor to re-age your account, meaning it makes the current month the first repayment month and shows no late payments. Sometimes, the creditor won’t re-age the account until you make two or three monthly payments first.

In conclusion, explain your financial problems-be bleak, but never lie. Get the creditor’s agreement in writing before sending any money. Remember you always have leverage to negotiate because you have what they want-MONEY!

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